Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Importance Of Good Carbohydrate Consumption

by Dean Baily

Many people who struggle to lose weight simply have no knowledge of the different kinds of carbohydrates and how they affect the human body after consumption.
People often make the mistake of thinking that dieting and in particular losing body fat is all about reducing the body's fat intake and while that does play a vital role in any diet the importance of fully understanding carbohydrates should not be underestimated.
Heavily processed carbs should really be avoided as much of the nutrients are lost during the many processes they undergo some examples of processed foods include white bread, pasta, cakes, biscuits, candy bars and most soft drinks additionally ingredients such as artificial colourings, flavourings and preservatives are the most common ingredients used in production of these foods.
These bad carbohydrates are usually high in sugar but low in fibre and do not offer the body much in terms of quality nutrition which inevitably leads to fat conversion indeed the human body has a hard time processing these foods at all and the bodys hormones are affected as are levels of insulin, and blood glucose as the digestive system struggles to break down starch heavy foods.
The best carbohydrates are the ones that are in a completely natural and unaltered state and examples of these include fresh fruits and vegetables, wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta, nuts, seeds and beans.
These good carbohydrate foods are also high in fibre and generally have a low glycemic index which enables the body to process them easily in addition good carbs are also known to stimulate the metabolism.
If you are finding it hard to shift stubborn body fat even after cutting down on your fat intake it could be advantageous to look at your carbohydrate consumption in detail and make changes where necessary swapping those bad carbs for good ones as this could well be the final piece in your fat loss jigsaw and enable you to reach your weight loss goals.
For more weight loss advice visit:
About the Author

The author Dean Bailey has a wealth of experience in the fitness and nutrition industry and has a passion for sports including mixed martial arts and bodybuilding you can see some more of his work at:

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